philosophy & values

I believe that people are:

  1. Creative and innovative
  2. Resilient
  3. Created in the Imagio Deo and have inherent dignity and equality

In light of these I will therefore:

  1. Assume that people have the ability to organize their lives and to be effective if given the right support.
  2. Assume that people know best as to what they need.
  3. Engage people with respect.
  4. Allow them to be masters of their own destiny.
  5. Challenge individuals to tap into their reservoir of inner strength and creativity.
  6. Engage people with tenacity and not accept excuses or justifications that demean a person’s own abilities.

I believe that leaders:

  1. Are developed not born.
  2. Primarily are about shaping values and must:
    • Lead by example.
    • Set the agenda by their actions not just their talk.
  3. Determine what an organization becomes.
  4. Draw out the best in others.
  5. Develop trust because it is the currency to lead.
  6. Pursue excellence.
  7. Lead out of who they are.

In light of these beliefs I will therefore challenge leaders to:

  1. Examine the integrity and consistency of their lives.
  2. Explore inconsistencies.
  3. Develop a clear set of internal values.
  4. Examine actions against the expressed corporate values.
  5. Continue to stretch and grow.
  6. Look for ways to encourage and develop people and leaders around them.
  7. Be a non-anxious presence.
  8. Grow as a person.


I value:

  1. Honesty therefor I will:
    • Accurately, through writings and interactions, represent:
      • My abilities and limitations.
      • Clearly what is my creation and what is other’s creation.
      • What coaching is and its’ possibilities are.
    • Seek to constantly be self-aware and take appropriate actions to deal with personal or professional issues.
  2. Integrity therefore I will:
    • Speak and act in such a way that reflects positively on coaching as a profession and the public’s perception of it.
    • Develop clear contracts with clients and keep them.
    • Make sure that clients understand what coaching is.
    • Disclose any benefit I might receive from a third-party for a referral of the client.
  3. Respect therefore I will:
    • Hold a client’s information confidential unless required otherwise by law or by their agreement. This includes dealing with records in a secure manner.
    • Honor other coaches and their diversity of approaches.
    • Avoid inappropriate physical contact and sexual involvement with clients.
  4. Effectiveness therefore I will:
    • Continue to learn and develop to give my clients the best possible help.
    • Get assistance and support when/if my personal life impairs my abilities. I will also, be willing, to heed that advice even when it means terminating my coaching relationships
    • Make referrals to other professionals or Coaches when I think the client would be better served.
    • Be aware when clients no longer benefit from my coaching and allow them to terminate their relationship with me.
  5. Loyalty therefore I will:
    • Conduct myself in training and supervisory contexts in accordance with ICF Code of Ethics.
    • Only divulge client’s names etc. with their permission.
    • Only use the ICF contact list in an authorized way.
  6. Relationships therefore I will:
    • Do all that is possible to avoid misuse of my influence and connections to people for anything but their good.
    • Do all I can to avoid situations where my interests and that of the client’s conflict.
    • Take reasonable steps to notify authorities if a client reveals they are going to endanger themselves or others.